Verrucae Treatment

We're here to help!

Do you think you have a verrucae? Is it painful, unsightly and you are worried about it spreading?

A verrucae is a viral infection of the skin and can be quite contagious. There are a number of treatment options available.

Treatments include Cryotherapy or more commonly known as freezing and the application of acids to kill the viral tissue. In cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen is sprayed onto your verrucae to freeze and destroy the affected skin cells.

There are other treatment options available which will be discussed with you upon consultation.

This treatment is only available after an initial consultation with our principal podiatrist.

Other treatment options include verrucae needling and Swift microwave therapy. Service amount is £50.00 for initial consultation and prices vary depending on treatment option chosen (see below).

Swift Microwave therapy is a quick and effective treatment which takes seconds and there are no dressings involved!

Find out more about Swift Microwave therapy here –

40 minutes

£50.00 for new patient assessment and Cryotherapy / acid treatment if appropriate.

Follow-up Cryotherapies or acid treatments are £45.00 each treatment.

Verruca needling is £280.00 for treatment and two follow-up appointments. This is available after a new patient assessment.

Swift microwaving therapy is £95 per treatment following a new patient assessment appointment.

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